Blogtober day 31 : treat or treating

Where has the month gone? Blogtober this year has come to an end and I think I haven’t done too bad. I only started my blog this May and to take on this big challenge, of a blog a day for the whole of October was a commitment. I wanted to challenge myself and to grow my blogging skills. I hope I didn’t bore you too much. I really enjoyed it and I’m considering blogmas, so let me know if you think I should.

Now onto today’s blog. Trick or treating. Your either for it or against it, but don’t moan at others for enjoying it. I know people don’t celebrate it for religious reasons or don’t like random people knocking on their door. I feel we should all respect each other. Leave a note on the door asking not to knock and respect their wishes. I know people do this as they have vulnerable people inside (young children, elderly or disabled).

One thing I don’t like is the teasers. They decorate the house or window up, then no one is home. The kids get so excited as we tell them go to the houses that they think celebrate it (Hinting the ones with decorations). Then BAM! Like a slap in the face. Shock sinks in, that no one is home. Not great for small kids that don’t understand. I know they are more likely trick or treating themselves (that’s our excuse for them anyways) but it’s a tease. Bet someone is filming all the reactions and making a YouTube video out of it. A simple note will do. We understand your out of sweets or have young children who have gone to bed. Just a note would do. Great photo opportunity though. Thanks

On to the next door it is. Overall we had a great time trick or treating. Thank you everyone who put that extra effort in and those that gave treats. Thanks also to all the friendly trick or treaters. We had a blast.

Hope your having a blast whatever your doing this evening.

Happy Halloween

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